One of the most complex screens of MECM Buddy is the Deploy tab.

When you are connected to MECM, this page will be enabled.

On it, the first thing you should notice is the fact that Application Name has a dropdown menu based on some files. Basically, this will find the name of a Recipe file under .\Recipes\appName.xml (the path to this script, then a subfolder called Recipes with all the templates for apps)

Filling it all out

Filling everything out is fairly self-explanatory. Basically, you are filling out all the information you would regularly fill out in MECM. So, I recommend pulling up an app you already have deployed and copy/pasting everything into my app, then saving it as a template.

What is special about my deployment?

If there’s already an app named the same thing or with the same version, my script will try to detect this and ask if you want to delete the app that’s already out there. If you choose to, it will remove the deployment and completely delete the app. It will ask you about an ID number. To check if this is the right deployment to remove, make sure CI ID is selected here:


When you are sure, click accept/yes/ok.

I always add a registry value for the app that I install so I can use that as a detection method in MECM, since MECM is kind of glitchy and slow. Also, I use PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit from GitHub with a few extra commands (Splunk logging, add registry value)

I also add name the app “appName Dev version” by default when sending it to MECM.

Exporting Recipes

Once you have filled out the entire forum, you can export the script. It will automatically export to a file (using the Application Name) under the .\Recipes\ folder. So, for example, with Zoom if you click export:


And the exported Recipe:


Importing Recipes